
Wellesley High School has implemented a digital learning environment using applications including but not limited to Canvas Learning Management System (LMS), Google Education Workspace, Turnitin Academic Writing and Research, and Naviance College and Career Readiness. Students attending Wellesley High School are expected to utilize their own laptops in this digital learning environment whether the learning is in school or remotely.

Students who cannot bring their own laptops may request a school-issued laptop for use during the school year.

Laptop Extended/Accidental Warranties – We highly recommend acquiring extended warranties that go beyond the default warranties manufacturers offer.

Building off the Middle School 1:1 program, students at the High School have more choices in the program. Students choose the type of laptop (Mac, Windows, Chromebooks) and learn to administer their own laptops, preparing them for college and the workforce. As administrators of their laptops, students develop technical skills and independence in the care and maintenance of technology.

Below are the recommended specifications for students entering High School.

BYOL (Family Provided) – Mac, Windows, Chromebooks

New laptop Suggestions:

Here are some general suggestions for a laptop that can last throughout all four years of high school.

If you have a newer laptop, it’s possible that it only has USB C ports. However, in some Science labs, it’s necessary to connect probes to a standard USB port. To do this, you’ll need to use a USB-C to USB adapter.

Laptop Extended/Accidental Warranties – We highly recommend acquiring extended warranties that go beyond the default warranties manufacturers offer.

It’s worth checking if your older devices are eligible for trade-in programs offered by various brands.

Chromebooks have become a very cost-effective, versatile, and popular alternative to a laptop. They can be used for most everyday student use; however, a Chromebook has some limitations. A Chromebook is not compatible with the MCAS testing system and the advanced photo and video editing software used in our Art, TV Production, and Evolutions courses. Additionally, accessibility tools (speech-to-text, vision support, etc.) and computer programming work better on a Windows or Mac laptop. For students interested in pursuing these areas of study, please consider the restrictions in your decision. A limited amount of loaner laptops will be available on a first-come, first-served basis for students who need to use an alternate device. The priority for loaner laptops is given to students whose device is being repaired and who are without a device.

Windows S Mode

Students should not use S mode on Windows 10 and 11. Windows S mode will prohibit students from installing the necessary Chrome browser. It also prevents the installation of other necessary and recommended applications.

Please use caution when switching out of S mode. Make sure you are aware of the Windows version you are switching to. If you select Pro, you will be charged a fee.

S Mode Resources

Chromebooks: Price Range ~$400-$900

  • Screen Size: 12″ or bigger
  • Processor: AMD/Intel-based
  • Hard Drive: 32 GB
  • RAM: 4GB
  • °Â¾±¹ó¾±:Ìý802.11²¹³¦
  • Battery Life: 8 Hours +
  • Warranty: 3 Years

Laptops (Win, Mac): Price Range ~$600-$1800

  • Screen Size: 13″ or bigger
  • Processor: i5 or better (Including the Apple M1 Chip)
  • Hard Drive: 256 GB (SSD – Solid State Drive)
  • RAM: 8GB
  • °Â¾±¹ó¾±:Ìý802.11²¹³¦
  • Battery Life: 8 Hours +
  • Warranty: 3 Years

Older laptop suggestions:

If you have a laptop at home already, these are general guidelines for bringing an older laptop that will work in our schools.

Laptop Extended/Accidental Warranties – We highly recommend acquiring extended warranties that go beyond the default warranties manufacturers offer.

  • Capable of running the latest version of the native Operating System (OS)
  • Less than five years old
  • Available disk space to install the software (depends on the software needed for courses)
  • The battery can last at least 6 hrs
  • It is suggested for a clean installation of the Operating System and, if possible, install a new battery.

School-Issued Device:

Families that cannot bring their own laptops may request a school-issued laptop for use during the school year (including taking it home at night).